Monday, November 29, 2010

Post-Turkey thoughts

Happy Post-Thanksgiving y'all. When I was thinking of everything that I was thankful for this year, one of the things that was on my mind was all the support I have received from friends and family to start this adventure in my life. Thanks to a company called EVERSAVE .VCVC Cupcakes sold about 98 "saves" and our name really got out there. I have enjoyed meeting so many new clients and working with them to create the frostitution of their dreams. Thus far the feed back has been wonderful!!

My fabulous Fiance has loaned me his iPad, and my mother is working with me to help with my accounting. So post-it-notes have disappeared and been replaced with organization and I am feeling much better about how things are running. Again, thanks to the wonderful support of my family.

I also wanted to thank everyone who ordered cupcakes for Thanksgiving... and for those who were patient when they were turned away because we were so busy. We do our best to make sure we get everyone their dream cupcakes... so question... what is your dream?? Tell us... Christmas is coming... order early, Santa eats enough cookies... try leaving cupcakes!!!